
Getting to grips with sex 



Most people feel nervous about their first time. Common fears include whether it will hurt, if the woman will bleed, if sex will change things and whether you'll get it right. 



If you're relaxed, happy and secure with your partner, you're more likely to enjoy it. Being able to communicate, share your fears and concerns and set boundaries (I'll have sex but only if you use contraception) will all help make sex better. The better you know the person, the less risk you run of them doing a runner after sex: if someone's not prepared to wait, they may be after one thing, even if they say they love you. 


前戲,例如口交,或是先用手指觸摸女性的陰道,亦可以令身體作出性愛的準備,令事情來得更暢順。當一個女性被挑起了慾望,她的陰道會產生潤滑分泌,同時她的 肌肉亦會放鬆,這會令男性的陰莖更容易進入。如果男性擔心早洩,在前戲的過程中先射精一次可以令他在性愛進行之時更持久(但如果你的手沾有精液,在佩戴衛 生套之前請先洗手。) 

Foreplay, such as oral sex or playing with the girl’s vagina will prepare your bodies for sex making it better for both of you. As a woman gets aroused, her vagina lubricates and her muscles relax, easing entry. If a guy's worried about squirting too soon, coming during foreplay can help him last longer during sex (but wash your hands before putting on a condom if you get semen on your hands). 



You can get pregnant and/or contract a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) the first time so use a condom every time you have sex – along with additional contraception, such as the pill ideally. Both men and women share the responsibility for safe sex: better to have two condoms than none. If you're worried about using one, practice alone beforehand to help you get used to the sensation. Condoms come in different sizes and getting one that fits you best can make a difference to having sex. 


Mutual trust, affection and respect will help make losing your virginity the happiest memory possible. 



Take things slowly – you may find it easiest if the woman goes on top as that way she can take things at her own pace. Let the woman's body open up to the penis at its own pace – forget fast, deep thrusting, at least to start with. By going slowly and gently, you'll reduce the chances of discomfort or bleeding. 


潤滑劑亦可以有助第一次性愛,雖然女性陰部乾涸可以是女性對性愛未作好準備的訊號,你可以在任何時候說「不」—— 即使已經開始了性愛的行為。如果你明白了自己未作準備,不要害怕對你的伴侶提出,你的第一次是一些永遠難忘的東西。互相的信任、愛意及尊重會令你的第一次成為最開心愉快的回憶。 

Lubricant can also help, though if the woman's vulva is entirely dry it may be a sign that she's not ready for sex. It's OK to say no at any point – even once you've started having sex – so if you realise you're not ready, don't be scared to tell your partner. Your first time is likely to be something you remember forever. Mutual trust, affection and respect will help make losing your virginity the happiest memory possible.